
Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Reboot: Academic Recovery Program

The Center for Academic Success is now accepting applications for this Fall's "Reboot: Academic Recovery Program."  Reboot (formally called "Excel") is open to all students in their first or second year at Tech (or with less than 60 earned hours) who have a cumulative Tech GPA of 2.2 or less.  The purpose of the program is to help students who are not meeting their own academic expectations learn to develop and practice better study strategies, set and achieve academic goals, and improve their grades and academic performance.  Reboot is a voluntary program, but asks students to commit to full participation, which includes weekly workshops, academic coaching sessions, and logged study hours.  Most students who complete the program do see academic improvement and find the program's accountability and structure to be helpful. 

Advisors, faculty, and staff are asked to encourage eligible students to apply.  The program has space for 25 students.  The online application is available at  For more information, please stop by the Center for Academic Success (283 Clough Commons) or email Beth Spencer at

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