
Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009


1.Explain the meaning of atomos which stated by Democritus.
2.In his atomic theory, Dalton stated there are 5 important points. Explain clearly one by one.
3.Dalton stated atoms are identical, and different atoms have different properties. Explain by using examples.
4. Atom can not be created and destroyed. What is the effect of these?
5.Explain an experiment done by Thomson so that he found electrons in the atom.
6.How about Thomson’s atomic theory? Draw the atomic model and explain.
7.Atom is neutral, although Thomson has discovered electrons. What Rutherford thought about this before he did his experiment?
8.Explain an experiment done by Rutherford, until he concluded that in the atom there was a very small space in the center of atom, which has a positive charge.
9.Draw Rutherford’s atomic model and give the information.
10.Who found proton and neutron? Both particles were found by Rutherford?
11.After proton and neutron were discovered, draw completely the development of Rutherford’s atomic model.
12.Notation of uranium is 238-U with atomic number of 92. Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
13.How many neutron(s) hydrogen atom has, if its number of mass is 1?
14. Explain the meaning of isotope, isoton, and isobar. Give examples.
15. Rutherford’s atomic model has a weakness. What is that? Explain the reason.
16. Niels Bohr has covered Rutherford’s weakness toward his theory. Explain what Niels Bohr did.
17.Draw atomic model of Niels Bohr.
18. Write down electronic configuration of 20 first elements, from hydrogen till calcium.
19.How many electrons are in the Mg2+ ion? Explain the reason.
20.Valence electrons of Mg is 2. Explain please.
21.In an atom, electrons are arranged as inner electrons and valence electrons. Explain please.
22.Metals always form positive ions. Why?
23.Metals can conduct electricity. Explain the reason.
24.Negative ions can be formed by non metal elements. Why?
25.If a metal forms a positive ion, what happen with the atom?
26.If a non metal forms a negative ion, what happen with the atom? Is it similar with metal?
27.What another name of positive ion and negative ion?
28.Neon-10, isoelectronic with Na+1, Mg+2, Al3+, F-, and O-2 ions. Explain please.
29.Write down electronic configurations of the above ions.
30.The abundance of Cl-35 and Cl-37 isotopes are 75% and 25%. Calculate the average of chlorine atomic mass.

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