
Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009


1. Explain the meaning of solvent, solute, filtrate, and precipitate

2. Explain the following terminologies: distillation, filtration, sedimentation, precipitation, and crystallization.

3. What makes water such a good solvent?

4. Classify the following mixtures: sugar and water, sand and water, milk, creamer, and oil

5. How do concentrated solutions differ from dilute solutions?

6. What happens when more solute is added to a saturated solution?

7. What is the size of particles in a solution?

8. What is a colloid?

9. What is one property of a suspension that is different from that of a solution or a colloid?

10. How is a colloid different than a suspension?

11. Which of the following statements about suspensions is correct?

12. Classify the following colloids according to dispersed phase and its medium: foam; cream, milk, paint, gelatine, hair spray, fog, mayonnaise, smoke, emulsion, and butter.

13. Give the type of colloids based on the dispersing medium and the dispersed substance below and give an example of each.
a. liquid – solid
b. gas – liquid
c. solid – liquid
d. solid – gas
e. liquid – gas

14. Give an example of emulsion in the daily life and explain how two make it. Explain the meaning of emulgator and give the reason why is it important in making emulsion.

15. Oil floats on water. Explain the most accurate reason for this.

16. Soap can be used as an emulgator. Explain and draw the interaction between the particles of soap, oil, and water.

17. Explain the following properties of colloid : Tyndall effect; Brown motion; electrophoresis; dialysis; electrodialysis; adsorption; and coagulation.

18. Colloid has a charge which can be positive or negative. Explain the reason.

19. Colloid can be stable and unstable. Give the reason.

20. How do we know the charge of colloid? Explain by giving an example.

30. How do we remove the excess of electrolytes in a colloid?

31. How do we purify a colloid? Is it the same as no. (30) above?

32. What is semipermeable membrane? What is it for?

33. Do you know cotrell tool? What is it for?

34. There are more than one method we use to coagulate a colloid. Which electrolyte can be used to coagulate a colloid that has a negative charge fastly? Which electrolyte can be used to coagulate a positive colloid fastly?

35. Explain the formation of “Delta” in the river.

36. What happen when two colloids that have different charge mix together.

37. There is an unstable colloid which need to be covered with other colloid. Explain and give an example.

38. What are the difference between liofil and liofob? Which one is more stable than the other one?

39. Explain about sulfur sol in water. Is it hydrofil or hydrofob?

40. What is gelatine? Explain please.

41. Vitamine D is a nonpolar vitamine. Is it soluble in water? Explain.

42. Colloid can be made by dispersion or condensation. Explain the difference.

43. How do we make the following colloid? Please explain.
a. gold sol from solid
b. paint from solid
c. AgCl sol from solution
d. sulfur sol from SO2 gas
e. Al(OH)3 sol from Al(OH)3 solid.
f. Fe(OH)3 from solution.
g. AgCl from solid.
h. As2S3 sol from As2O3(aq)

44. Tawas can be used for cleaning water. Explain please.

45. Poison in a certain fish can be removed by using a colloid. Explain please.

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