
Senin, 04 April 2011

Undergraduate Seminar - April 7, 2011

Undergraduate Seminar -

Prof. Zhenan Bao, Stanford
DATE: April 7, 2011
TIME: 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
FEES: none
Shirley Tomes, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Contact Shirley Tomes

Undergraduate Seminar

Prof. Zhenan Bao, Penn State

Organic Transistor Based Sensors for Flexible Artificial Electronic Skin

The field of organic electronics holds tremendous potential for applications that benefit from the use of organic materials, (e.g. very low cost, flexible and amendable to large-area processing techniques or roll-to-roll printing). Specifically, these benefits can lead to manufacturing of electronic units for electronic skin, as well as medicinal, food storage, and environmental monitoring applications. We invision an artificial electronic skin platform that includes various sensor, such as touch, chemical and biological sensors. The sensory elements of our electronic skin (composed of Organic Field Effect Transistor, OFET) are akin to the various layers and constituents of human skin, in which each layer of the OFET can be optimized to carry out a specific recognition function. Furthermore, progress in stretchable solar cells may be utilized to enable self-powered electronic skin. In this talk, I will present progresses in the fabrication of chemical, biological, pressure sensors and stretchable organic solar cells that are major constituents for a multi-modal sensing electronic skin.

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