
Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

SABUR (Student Activities Board for Undergraduate Research) - Mentors Needed

Dear Advisors,

Sorry for the multiple e-mails but it was just drawn to my attention that we planned the meeting for the same time as the first football game! Please send this revised version with a later date out instead of the previous! Thank you so much!

SABUR (Student Activities Board for Undergraduate Research) will be having it's first meeting on Thursday September 8th, 7pm in Klaus room 2447. SABUR is a student organization dedicated to increasing participation in Undergraduate Research on campus and promoting a culture of research in the Georgia Tech Community. If you are involved in research or looking to get involved in research come to our first meeting and learn more about how SABUR can help you! Membership dues will be $15 for the year. There will be Free Food!

SABUR Mentoring Program- MENTORS NEEDED- SABUR facilitates a mentoring program that connects experienced undergraduate researchers with inexperienced students trying to get involved in research. Mentors will help mentees gain insight into the research culture at Tech and give valuable advice on how to obtain a research position. Also, throughout the year SABUR will host events to facilitate mentoring such as ice cream socials, coffee houses, and climbing the rock wall. If interested attend SABUR's first meeting (see above) or e-mail by September 15th. Please include your year, major, and brief description of your research experience.

Katy Hammersmith

Georgia Institute of Technology

Biomedical Engineering

McDevitt Stem Cell Research Lab

SABUR, President

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