
Selasa, 13 September 2011

Energy Club Seminar

Energy Club is pleased to announce the first seminar in the Fall 2011 Transformational Energy Speaker Series. This month's topic is Biofuels and representatives from Exxon Mobil and Georgia Tech will be present to give their insight on this interesting topic. We will be hearing from Charles Dickson and Professor Art Ragauskas, having open discussion about biofuels, and enjoying free pizza and beverages.

See the attached flyer for more information. Feel free to forward this email or flyer to anyone who might be interested.

Please click HERE to RSVP so we can get an accurate food and beverage count!!

What: Energy Cub Transformational Energy Speaker Series

Subject: Biofuels

Industry Speaker: Charles Dickson from Exxon Mobil

Georgia Tech Speaker: Prof. Art Ragauskas

When: Tuesday, September 13 @ 5:00pm

Where: Weber SST III, Room 1

Why: To learn more about biofuels, meet with Exxon Mobil representatives and GT professors, and get free food!

We look forward to seeing you there!

More inforormation about ECGT:

If you would like to become a member of Energy Club @ Georgia Tech, you may bring bring $20 cash or check to the event

-- Energy Club Board

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