
Senin, 03 September 2012


Welcome Back to Fall 2012 Semester!
Internship Hours: Students can schedule a meeting with an internship advisor (Ashley Rose Edgar or Mary Fisher) via CareerBuzz

GT Internship Advising for Business Administration/Management students now available at the College of Management. Schedule an appointment on CareerBuzz. Mary Fisher is the advisor for Business Admin/Management

JOIN our Linked In Group: Georgia Tech Division of Professional Practice! Find out about internship opportunities that are not posted on P2D2, get great job search advice and connect with professionals in your field. Be sure to get networked at:

FOLLOW US on Twitter for quick job and news updates from the Internship Program @GTInternship

Bye Bye P2D2 – Hello CareerBuzz! The Division of Professional Practice has phased out our P2D2 database and migrated to Careerbuzz. This transition makes for a more seamless one stop shopping experience for both employers and students. All internship job postings listed through GT are now located on CareerBuzz. Students will also access CareerBuzz to schedule an appointment with their internship advisor.

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