
Jumat, 05 April 2013


ACS 245th National Meeting in New Orleans

 We are excited for the imminent ACS 245th National Meeting in New Orleans, La. Technical symposia, networking and fun awaits!  Do you know about all the events where you can receive professional development, learn about various careers, and meet and network with peers and established chemists? Check out the new Graduate & Postdoctoral Chemist Magazine for more detail.
Here are 3 top things you don't want to miss...
1. Career Workshops
The ACS will be offering workshops and symposia to help chemists identify careers off the beaten path for chemists, advice on achieving a dream job and being self-employed. At the ACS Career Fair, several Career Pathway workshops are being held from April 7-10. A few interesting workshops include, Foreign-National Scientist Obtaining a Job in the U.S., Acing the Interview and Working for Yourself; but this just a sprinkling of the workshops offered—there are plenty more to choose from! For those of you who are considering chemistry careers that are less common, two symposia may be of interest to you: Food for Thought: Alternative Careers in Chemistry and Beyond the Bench: Nontraditional Careers in Chemistry. Both spotlight jobs that you may not have thought of, and feature successful professionals who discuss their career journey.
2. Webcasts - A good chance to participate in the meeting if you will not be able to attend
Beginning on April 8, multiple live Webcasts will be available. Attendees of the National Meeting are able to participate in the audience, and those who are unable to join the fun can do so by viewing through their computer screens. There will be a cooking demo to deconstruct egg science, an overview of new research about benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, and more.
3. Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars Reception - Delicious food and even better networking opportunities
The National Meeting is not all work and no play! Amusing events are aplenty and offer opportunities to meet and network, too. The Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars Reception, which occurs on Monday evening from 7:00 – 8:30 PM, is open to all registered graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. Participants are able to gather with scientists of their chemistry discipline, enjoy free food and beverages, and have the chance to win an iPad and ACS t-shirts. For your best shot at receiving a prize, don’t linger and arrive at 7:00 PM.
Throughout the meeting, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest updates and information for graduate students and postdocs. We will be trending with the hash tag, #ACSGPSCommunity. We hope to see you in the Big Easy. Safe travels!

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