
Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Enter the Everyday Chemistry Video Contest

By Stephanie Prosack, Education Assistant


Have you ever tried to explain to someone why avocado turns brown when left out too long? What about informing your sibling of the scientific reason behind baking soda and baked goods rising in the oven to produce a fluffy, tasty snack? Or letting your lab mate know how vinegar is a sanitary goddess for all things dirty and stained?

Thanks to C&EN, you can share your knowledge with more than those who are in close physical proximity to you, but with the entire Internet!

It is quite simple, really. To celebrate the 90th anniversary of C&EN, submit an amusing and informative two-minute video that features a tip or information about chemistry in everyday occurrences. In layman’s terms, the video must include a clear explanation of chemistry and why it is important. Remember, you want everyone to understand your information. It would be best to make sure your grandfather or cousin in fifth grade will not only comprehend, but be engaged with your material.

Recognition will be given to the winner with some enticing prizes including:

                -Paid trip to the 246th ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis, IN
                -Ticket to C&EN’s 90thAnniversary event
                -Profile on the ACS Chemistry Ambassadors webpage
                -Showcase in C&EN
                -Feature on ACS Bytesize ScienceYouTube channel

Once you have finalized your masterpiece video, upload it to Youtube, and send your submission to everdaychemistry@acs.orgby July 31, 2013. Don’t forget to practice safety in your video by wearing your goggles and using other safety gear! 

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