
Selasa, 15 September 2009

Make Magazine's New Science Room for Hobbyists

From the website of Make magazine comes the Make: Science Room, a fun and useful resource. Here's what they say about it:
We hope you'll use it as your DIY science classroom, virtual laboratory, and a place to share your projects, hacks, and laboratory tips with other amateur scientists. Your Make: Science Room host is Robert Bruce Thompson, author of Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture. (Make: Books, 2008) and Illustrated Guide to Forensics Investigations: Uncover Evidence in Your Home, Lab, or Basement (not yet published). We'll be drawing material from these titles first, but will soon branch out into biology, astrononmy, Earth sciences, and other disciplines. We'll be adding lots of material on a regular basis, so check back often. For more info on the site, see Introducing the Make: Science Room.
They also have a new science lab section in Maker Shed, their online catalog, for basic equipment. Looks neat!

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