
Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention offers an ORISE position in the Tobacco Exposure Biomarkers (TEB) group.

The Emergency Response and Air Toxicants Branch requests an additional BS-level ORISE fellow to serve as a chemist, entry level, in the Tobacco Exposure Biomarkers laboratory. This is a new request to support on-going research efforts to measure biomarkers of exposure to aromatic amines in support of FDA tobacco regulation.

Skill Requirement
  • GPA > 3.0
  • Experience in analytical chemistry including solid phase extraction and operation and maintenance of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry instrumentation.
  • Excellent written and verbal skills
  • Proficiency in the use of EXCEL, WORD, and PowerPoint software.
  • Good organizational skills.

Duties to be Performed
  • Develop and maintain a proficiency in sample preparation for urinary aromatic amine analysis
  • Develop and maintain a proficiency in GC tandem mass spectrometry operation.
  • Maintain a daily instrument log detailing the performance and functioning of the instrument. At a minimum this should include: (i) a log book for a record of sequences and samples run; (ii) an electronic excel file for instrument maintenance and performance; (iii) record of service calls and service report; (iv) record of tune files and reports.
  • Successfully complete a trial PT analysis of the urinary aromatic amine assay within 3 months of initiating work.
Resumes of qualified candidates should be sent to:
Elizabeth Cowan, ORISE
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
NCEH/DLS/ERAT/T0bacco Biomarkers

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