
Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Recruitment for The Fourth R - GT coordinator

My name is Ayanda Francis, and I am a student at Georgia Tech and a Program Manager with The Fourth R: Human Rights Education, an organization that educates young students to become active citizens in their local and global communities by learning about human rights through service learning projects and activities.

We are currently receiving applications for Georgia Tech Coordinators, and our next deadline is Friday, May 25th at midnight. We would really appreciate it if you could share the email below and attachments with your university student contacts. This is a great opportunity for university students who are passionate about education, human rights, children, and community service!

Thank you very much for all of your help!
Best regards,


My name is Ayanda Francis, and I am a Program Manager with The Fourth R: Human Rights Education, an organization that educates 5th grade students to become active citizens in their local and global communities by learning about human rights through service learning projects and activities.

We are currently recruiting for a Georgia Tech Coordinator to manage recruitment and partnerships at Georgia Tech and work closely with The Fourth R team to develop strategy and operations decisions.

This is a wonderful opportunity to work in the human rights and education space! Please send your resume and cover letter to (saved as Firstname_Lastname_GT Coordinator Resume and Firstname_Lastname_GT Coordinator Cover Letter with email subject line “Fourth R GT Coordinator Application”) by Friday, May 25th by midnight.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions! You can find additional information in the attached documents.

I look forward to receiving your applications!
Best regards,

Ayanda Francis

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