
Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Ripple Effect

Are you interested in leadership opportunities or working with a creative, international HIV Prevention organization? Come to the first general meeting of Ripple Effect on Monday, October 10th at 6 PM in the Student Center Theater (across from Pizza Hut)! Food and refreshments will be provided!

Ripple Effect is an organization based on the simple premise that our collective creativity and initiative is the first step in preventing the spread of HIV and AIDS. We hope that our grassroots campaign ripples across communities, borders, and generations to stop the transmission of HIV and AIDS. Our vision is to prevent the spread of HIV through empowering youth and community leaders to become peer educators within their communities.

Our concept is very simple: to spread HIV prevention awareness by taking the pledge to promote HIV activism among others (resembling the Pay It Forward system). If one person tells 5 other people about HIV transmission and prevention, and those 5 people tell 5 others then we can end what started as a ripple, with a ripple. Each person can take the pledge, the way he/she wants (whether it's through sponsoring an HIV Orphan or through changing his/her facebook status for a week). We hope by instilling this culture of activism, we can create a Ripple Effect. During the past year, we have done creative events to spread HIV awareness; these events included coordinating a Flash Mob and setting up a banner that spelled the word AIDS with 500 condoms.

We would love for you to come to our meeting to learn more about the organization. We are looking for dedicated and motivated individuals for leadership positions, as well as anyone who wants to make an impact in a fun, creative way.

We look forward to seeing you at the first meeting and working with you in the future! Be sure to RSVP at event page on facebook:

What: Ripple Effect General Info Session
When: 6 PM on October 10, 2011
Where: Student Center Theater

Refreshments will be provided!

Thank You,
Ripple Effect Team
You can contact us at (678)779-9857

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